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⚠️ Emergency Alert 03-03-2025: Thompson's Sanitation will be dropping off your new recycling cart today for City-Wide Recycling. WM will pick up your old cart(s) next week. Please begin using your Thompson Cart for recycling. Same Schedule.

Garbage / Recycling Information

Beginning 3/15/25, Thompson Sanitation is the City of New Richland's provider for Garbage and Recycling services. 

Thompson Sanitation will be dropping off new recycling carts to all residents in the City of New Richland today, Monday 3/3/25.  Residents should begin using these carts for recycling services. These carts are larger than the WM carts that residents currently have so at this time, Thompson Sanitation is provided 1 cart per residence.  

Residents on the south side of town will receive their Thompson Sanitation Garbage carts next week.  The first pickup for Thompson Sanitation for garbage service on the south side of town will be March 17th which will also be the 1st day for recycling collection for Thompson Sanitation.

Waste Management will begin collection of their Recycling and Garbage carts on Thursday March 13th and Friday March 14th.  Please have your carts on the curb of the street available for pickup by their staff.

If you have any questions, please contact city hall.