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101 S Broadway has become the new location for the New Richland official Channel One foodshelf location. The food shelf is known as the New Richland Area Foodshelf.  This means that cash donations for food, rather than actual food donations, will give us the power to purchase from Channel one what we need for a fraction of the cost of buying it in a grocery or discount store.   We are also eligible for March Minnesota Foodshare dollars.  We service the New Richland Area.

Hours of Operation: First and Third Tuesdays of each month from 3:00-6:30pm, other times by availability for appointment.  Call  for an appointment.507-463-3421

Anyone is welcome.  No one will be asked how much money they make.  A person can come whenever he/she needs food. No one will be asked for a financial donation. 

Food, paper product, and toiletry donations as well as cash donations are welcome.  Please make the check out  New Richland Area Food Shelf.


Food Shelf Ribbon Cutting

Food Shelf Ribbon Cutting